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Attack on token focuses on rewarding with AOT winning raids against titans ingame.
To fight, you need a minimum of 3 NFT members on your recon squad and you can equip them with a weapon to boost the overall performance of the raid. There will be raids with different requirements and the rewards will increase according to the difficulty of the raid.
Each battalion (3 NFT members) will have raids according to the rarity of the squad.
There will be different timelapses spent in the raids (4-24hrs). The length will depend on the difficulty of it.
Each type of raid will have a percentage of success. When the raid is finished, the player can check if the raid was successful or not. If the raid was successful, the player will be rewarded with AOTs and if it fails you won’t be rewarded at all. Once you accept the defeat or claim the AOTs, there will be a cool down for the characters you used in the raid. This cool down will be 1 hour long for each character used in the completed raid.
Once the time of cool down finishes, you will be able to use your NFT again to complete raids.
Depending on the type of raid, you will need an amount of gas that will be increasing by 1 tank every level. This gas will be sold in an ingame shop in AOT.
Every three hours within a raid, there’ll be a 30% probability that a titan will appear in the middle of your path, which will prevent the estimated time from continuing to advance, so you will have to defeat using maneuver equipment that you can buy in the ingame shop. Once you defeat a titan, the time will start running again.
You can reduce the probability of appearance of titans using the skill “flare gun”, the higher the rarity of this skill, the lower the probability of the appearance of titans.