Marketplace/Ingame Shop
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There will be an internal NFT marketplace where you will be able to trade, sell or buy NFT characters. These trades will have a 6% fee: 1% of this fee will be for server maintenance and the rest 5% will be returned to the Rewards Pool. The Marketplace will use AOTs for any trade you make.
The marketplace will be open on January 9th of 2021 (This is a tentative date).
We’ll see you soon!
In Game Shop:
There will be an internal shop in the game where you will be able to buy different boxes such as boxes that contain skills or boxes that contain NFT characters. Also, the shop will be selling gas in packages of 20 tanks (you’ll need it every time you’re gonna into a raid) and maneuver equipment in packages of 10 (this one will help you defeat the titans!) at any time. For any transaction made in the shop, you will need AOTs.
Enjoy your items!